Book Reviews: Season 4
Gumdrops & Lollipops
Book by: Dr. Moose
Illustrated by: Adofo
Reviewed by: Jordan Rivers
Has anyone ever tried to pressure you into something that you didn't want to do? Well, in this story a young boy is being constantly pressured by someone who is trying to sell him drugs that look like candy. No matter how many times he says no, they try even harder to get him to become a new customer. How would you handle the pressure?
Turn the Pages Book Review series invites you to discover a world of possibilities and adventure as your host, Author Jordan Rivers, reviews Gumdrops & Lollipops by Dr. Moose. Join her as she gives you a brief synopsis of the story, learn a few lessons taken from the book, and download a FREE book-based project and worksheet.
Don't forget to turn the pages for yourself to see what happens next!

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(3) Glitter colors, White Lollipop sticks, medium styrofoam balls and one styrofoam block, black construction, black duck tape, candy wrappers
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Season 4
Gumdrops & Lollipops
- Activity Sheet